Blower House or Valve Cover Bolt
Carb Stud Nut
Exhaust Gasket Clone
D Shaped Block Intake Gasket Clone
Carb Intake Gasket Clone
The Carburetor Float Bowl Screw with Washer holds the Float Bowl Chamber on the Carburetor.
Rocker Arm Lock Nut.
Crankcase Sidecover Bolt
Bolt Ignition Coil
Fan Cover (Recoil) Bolt
Bolt Cylinder Head
Exhaust (Header) Stud Nut. These are sold by the pair.
4 Hole Valve Cover Gasket
Low tension crank seals. Best on the market!! Crankshaft Seals Are The Same For Both Sides
Float Bowl O-Ring Fits Huay Or Ruxing Carbs
Dowel Pin (8x14) Crank Case Side Cover (Small)
* Block Drain Plug * Includes Sealing Washer
Throttle Back Spring (Idle Control) (Idle Control) for Throttle linkage pulls the Throttle back to the Idle position.
Dowel Pin (10x16) Cylinder Head (Large)
Valve Seal For Both Intake And Exhaust
Stock Push Rod Guide Plate
Rocker Arm Pivot
Rocker Arm Pivot Bolt
Exhaust (Header) Stud
Flywheel Nut
.021 (Green) Side Cover Gasket. Torque Side Cover To 130 inch lbs. Break Motor In or Run A Practice Session Then Retorque.
Single Lifter Valve
* 2 Piston Circlips